Published on: 12/17/2015IST

Simple Yoga twist steps For healthy & flexible Spine

User Image Jyoti Negi Last updated on: 12/18/2015, Permalink

Yoga is a traditional practice that combines use of breathing and postures to improve health at the physical and mental levels. The Yogis have given a lot of importance to the spine. The main objective is to strengthen the back muscles and help increase blood circulation in the area with twist yoga asanas.

Yoga asanas which cause torsion help in digestion, relieve back pain, improves spinal mobility and back health, helps in detoxification, and much more! All twist poses can be categorized into standing, sitting and lying down. It is essential to practice all asanas under the guidance of a qualified yoga expert to avoid any injuries to the body. Given below are some common twist poses with the steps, benefits and contra indications of each pose.

Ardh Matsyendrasana – Half Lord of the Fishes Pose

Bharadvajasana – Lateral Twist of the Spine


Marichyasana – Torso and Leg Stretch


Garudasana – Eagle Pose


Konasana 3 – Windmill Pose

Konasana 3

Jathara Parivartanasana – Belly Twist



12/18/2015 | | Permalink